Monday, August 2, 2010

Vibram Five Fingers and Bicycling

Fan-frikkin-tastic! Not that I seriously considered pedal straps before but not sure why you'd need tham after riding with the Vibram Five Finger shoes.

The extra grip I gain with the freedom of movement in combination with the rubber treaded soul tranfer more response. Just as the Vibram's provide extra feedback walking, so goes biking.

I'm able to place the forfront of the foot in a more precise (and ultimately more powerful) position. It made me realize what cleats must do for the roadies.

I wear them in the rain because I have the KSO Trek model and have been doing everything in them for the past 3 months. This includes commuting on my bicycle (no vehicle), running, trekking, and even during snorkeling.

Various people seem to have their initial opinuion on them and am glad there are lots more curious than not. After all, its not as though I dont want people to return to our natural way of walking and runnning. I'm not Reebok and I'd prefer you didnt wear shoes...and even in our case, slippers. The kangaroos skin tbat's used for the trekk model keep it cool in combination with the polyester side walls of each toe (ventilation).

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